Welcoming dinner and city officials introduction
Officers of the court and myself in an official photo.
Korea disc golf gets it's official start and beautiful banner.
Without a leader there is nothing. Here Mr. Kim announces an official start to the event.
Checking out the course map. If you study closely, you'll see a common theme.
It was very cold this day in November. Here's a look at the field and event site.
The first group of players to compete in an official disc golf event in Korea. What's really great is how many women played that day.
Part of the festivities included a putting contest.
Notice the form of Jessika's distance drive!
Mr. Kim treating us to a spectacular Korean BBQ feast after the event.
A teacher of English in Korea, who also happens to be a disc golfer, joined us for the event.
He really enjoyed drinking that night and the girl to his left felt all the benefits!