Brian Hoeniger answer
Brian Hoeniger 選手から寄せられたアンケート回答です。
[1]Why did you chose to come to the 2006 Japan Open?
2004 Japan Open was the most wonderful experience I have had as a disc golf player
[2]Where did you hear about the Japan Open?
dg publications in the late 1980s
[3]Even though this is an Open Division event, what division do you usually qualify for (specify Men's or Women's)?
after 15 years of playing 2/3 Pro Master and 1/3 Pro Open, I am a rookie Grandmaster
[4]What is your hometown?
Currently reside Appling GA, home is Toronto Canada
[5]What is your favorite disc?
Beadless Aviar, these days any long distance driver or roller that ends up under a basket from 375+
[6]Do you typically throw 150 class discs?
Long distance airshots almost always 150 class, rest of the bag is usually 170-175 g
[7]How long have you been playing disc golf?
21 yrs
[8]Do you play more for fun or for the competition?
More for the competition, but Japan Open is also all about FUN!
[9]What is your most memorable event and why?
2001 Cross Canyon Challenge, Brooksville FL- coming out of the Canadian winter and not having thrown for 6 weeks, I set out playing no expectations holiday golf. After 3 rounds I was leading Masters by 16 over Slaz and only trailed KC and McCray out of 50 players in Open. Round 4 was exhausting, but a 12 stroke win and my level of play on this beautiful and challenging course sent me back to the ice and snow with a glow that lasted for weeks.
[10]What is your goal for the Japan Open?
Make the cash, battle for the Grandmaster title, leave the PDGA office behind for a week and return refreshed.